Rental Housing Forum Update

Public Forum, May 2015, University of Toronto

Rental Housing: Can We Do Better?

Aging Buildings | Quantity| Quality | Affordability | Access
Implications for Tenants, Neighbourhoods, Cities

Renters account for about one third of Canadian households and 50% of Toronto. Many live in deteriorating, decades-old buildings, but lack the income to trade up to homeownership because of price escalation and speculation in gentrifying neighbourhoods.

Rethinking Renting: An International Policy Challenge, Duncan Maclennan, Professor, University of St Andrews, Scotland

WEBCAST:  Professor Maclennan’s presentation is available as a Webcast.

Defining Neighbourhoods in Relation to Rental Housing Stress in Urban Canada, J. David Hulchanski, Professor, University of Toronto

Also by Duncan Maclennan

Housing for the Toronto Economy, 2008

Housing Policies: New Times, New Foundations

This event was sponsored by the Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership, based at the University of Toronto, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

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